
Understanding The Class Action Lawsuit Against Apple

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Understanding The Class Action Lawsuit Against Apple

Apple certainly has a lot to be pleased with right now. The company continues to release compelling products. More to the point, they are a company whose very name generates immediate and profound attention. As soon as you hear something about an upcoming Apple product or update, you’re interested. Even if you don’t care for Apple as a company, you’re intrigued.

That same name value unfortunately also comes at a high price. The company is currently facing a fairly significant lawsuit. As 2015 drew to a close, Apple found themselves facing a monumental class-action lawsuit. As we get started with 2016, it is definitely going to be worth paying more attention to this suit.

Who Is Suing Apple?


Apple certainly ended 2015 on a sour note. It was near the end of the year that the company found themselves facing a 5-million dollar lawsuit, according to Roseville Personal Injury Attorney. The lawsuit alleges that Apple’s iOS 9 software update was deliberately designed to slow down older versions of the iPhone. The lead plaintiff in the lawsuit, Chaim Lerman, argues two points. In the first place, he argues that Apple’s iOS 9 software update caused his phone, which was a 2011 iPhone 4S, to cease functioning properly. However, the lawsuit further alleges that Apple intentionally engaged in false advertising, by promising that older iPhone models would be compatible with the iOS 9 software update.

If a single individual had leveled this complaint against Apple, it stands to reason that the story would not gain a significant amount of traction in the media. However, approximately one hundred plaintiffs have now joined the lawsuit.

Breaking Down The Apple Class Action Suit

Although the specific complaints of each plaintiff in the suit varies slightly, the main thread remains the same. All of the individuals involved with the class suit against Apple are essentially making the same claim. They argue that the iOS 9 update slowed down the normal function of their older iPhones to a noticeable degree. Some have even gone so far as to claim that the update caused their phones to crash.

Ultimately, everyone involved with the class action suit feels that Apple has left them with two choices: They can either use a slow, unresponsive device, or they can plunk down hundreds of dollars for something brand-new. At the heart of the class-action suit, there is the belief that Apple is doing this, in order to get people to purchase new devices.

Where Is This Lawsuit Going To Go?

Presently, Apple has yet to comment publically on the lawsuit. According to the plaintiffs, there is no question that Apple made it clear that their iOS 9 update would work with older phones. At the same time, one could make the argument that the older a phone is, the less realistic it is to believe that a brand-new update will do for that older phone what it can do for a newer phone. Yet, according to the Plaintiffs, there is no denying that Apple made it clear to consumers that the iOS 9 update would be suitable for older devices. Furthermore, Apple never appeared to indicate that older phones could potentially run into problems, when the update was applied.


One of the main headaches associated with the lawsuit, according to Santa Cruz Accident Attorney, is the fact that consumers are unable to downgrade. For example, if you downloaded and installed the iOS 9 update on your older iPhone device, and you experienced some of the problems mentioned above, you would be stuck with those problems. You would not be able to downgrade to your previous operating system. In other words, you would be stuck with either a phone that doesn’t work particularly well, or the decision to spend money on a completely new device.

As one can imagine, it’s not hard to emphasize with the frustration Apple users are feeling. It is unknown at this time how this lawsuit will pan out. However, it is worth noting that Apple has not had the greatest level of success against previous lawsuits.

The company recently lost its appeal against a decision in 2013 that concluded Apple had violated antitrust laws with the eBook industry. Apple was also recently part of a massive 415-million dollar settlement, in the face of accusations that the company was working with others to prevent workers from seeking out better employment opportunities.


The Future Of Software

To compare the current state of software to software ten years ago, you may as well compare galaxies. The differences between the world of software ten years ago, and the world of software in the present, is quite frankly astonishing.

It certainly makes predicting the future of software a challenge.

What Can We Expect From The Future Of Software?


Ultimately, predicting the future of software is difficult. As a concept, software is something that is constantly evolving, and constantly surprising us with its changes and additions. We can certainly speculate on the future of software. However, many believe we can only really predict the future up to a certain point.

Keep in mind that the future of software has a certain degree of uncertainty about it. We can make certain predictions, but we have to allow for the fact that things can change on a dime. As you consider where software might go, over the next ten or twenty years, allow yourself to be surprised.

Trying To Predict The Future Of Software

Again, predicting the future can be tough. However, there are a few possibilities that are worth taking seriously:

* Everyone will know how to code: Or at least, we’ll see more people with coding experience than ever before. You can already find school curriculums introducing coding to students. While this doesn’t mean that every single person with coding experience will become a software developer, it does mean that users will become smarter consumers. In other words, if a consumer has even a basic background in coding, they’re going to demand a great deal more from the software they purchase.

* More and more software will pay attention to GPUs: You can already see this with gaming. When was the last time someone bragged about their GPU? The truth of the matter is that when gamers want the best playing experience possible, they shell out money for a graphics card that can accommodate them. You can see examples of this concept coming through in other types of software. In terms of software, biologists, chemists, and even astronomers are just a few examples of the people who are taking advantage of GPUs.

* Customization will become an even bigger deal: This ties into the first prediction. As more people become familiar with the concept of coding, their demands from the software they purchase and use will become greater. Perhaps, it will even become more intricate. You will begin to see software developers respond to this by offering more customization potential with software than ever before. You’re going to see software developers look for increasingly elaborate customization solutions, in order to meet the demands of users.

This is really just the beginning of what we can expect from the future of software.

Looking Ahead With Software

There are so many possibilities out there, dui lawyers in San Diego County agree, when it comes to software. You can travel down a number of different roads. Each of these roads will in turn have hundreds, even thousands of paths and directions that are just waiting to be discovered.


Ultimately, you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket, prediction-wise. There are still a number of likelihoods that you can consider, such as the items mentioned above. For example, you can almost guarantee that those in management positions are going to continue to struggle to bridge the communication gap between themselves and coders/programmers. You can also expect the standstill between insourcing and outsourcing to continue. It is highly likely that outsourcing is going to continue to remain a viable solution for companies that want to keep costs to a minimum.

Furthermore, you can expect the command line to remain significant. This will be in terms of a text editor or terminal window. More to the point, you can expect an increasing number of tools to be released that are designed to get the most out of the command line. Software will be crucial in the driver-less car era as well. Another positive benefit from software, as these driver-less vehicles should make our roads safer.

It is also seems likely that plug-ins are going to continue to rise in prominence, over the course of the next several years. It won’t be long, before you begin to see these plug-ins replace actual programs. The days of things being built from scratch could be coming to an end.

These are just a few of the possibilities out there. Stay tuned for even more.